Taiji Fan of Village Zhao Wudang
◇ 武当赵堡太极扇是由赵堡太极拳第11代掌门人、太极拳特级大师赵增福先生的亲传弟子孙武艺,在赵堡太极拳的基础上创编而成,并由著名形意、八卦武术名家高银鹤先生指导完善。整套动作共有61式,舒展优美、刚柔相济、连绵不断,将赵堡太极拳和传统太极扇的特点很好地进行了融合,易学、易懂、易练。根据不同年龄段,可按高、中、低三种功架练习,具有较高的观赏和健身价值。
◇ Taiji Fan of Village Zhao Wudang, created by Mr.Sun wuyi, who is the disciple of the village Zhao hexagram boxing's 11th generation manager and the hexagram boxing grandmaster Mr.Zhao zengfu. It composed in the village Zhao hexagram boxing's foundation, and it instructed and reviewed by the famous Eight Diagrams Wusu expert Mr. Gao Yinhe. There are 61 types in all, it stretches daintily and continuously, it has well connected with the characteristic of the village Zhao hexagram boxing and the traditional Taiji Fan of village Zhao. It's easy to study, understand and practice. There are the high, middle and low postures, as the different age, choosing one of them to practice. It has higher appreciating and gym value.