◇ 主讲示范:杨 维(安徽阜阳师范学院武术副教授)
郑 帅(少林鹰派拳术第四代传人)
美国世界名人科学院武术博士 国际级武术裁判
◇ 少林鹰爪十三抓,是少林鹰派武术的秘笈之法,是生死搏斗的秘密武器,从没有形成文字和图片,这些秘法也就更鲜为人知。《少林鹰派拳谱》云:“鹰爪抓法十三,散招三十六式;拳势刚劲猛烈,动作朴实无华;手法滚出滚入,步法矫健稳固;招法恶毒凶猛,爪到无不肉下;发声怒似虎啸,震脚势如山崩;大悲咒语常念,拳禅妙融其中。”
◇ It is the secret of Shaolin Wushu Family and the hidden weapon as basic knowledge, principals and technologies 3 in 1 without any scripts and illustration. Few people know the real concepts of him.
Shaolin book of illustrations of boxing of Hawk Family says:Hawk's claw 13 Boxing is very fierce, but the action is plain; when hand roll out an in, your foot is strong and vigorous; if the claw snap at you, your meat will be take off, in the mean while, the sound hears like tiger whistling, shaking feet like landslide; constantly reading Da-Ci-Bei(大慈悲), you will