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商品货号: ECS001126
商品重量: 0克
商品库存: 100
上架时间: 2007-08-22
市场价格: ¥66元
本店售价: ¥55元
用户评价: comment rank 5
购买此商品时最多可使用: 11 积分
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      动作示范:陈    炳  全国太极拳冠军  陈氏太极拳第二十世嫡传人
                     秦大装  全国武术锦标赛太极拳冠军

     As the core technique in the practice of Taijiquan, Push-hand of Chen-style Taiji keeps to the principle in attack and defense that the soft conquers the firm, opponent's main forces are avoided for striking its weak points and so on. It also follows the theory in Taijiquan of sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of others, and retreating for the sake of advancing, etc. Furthermore, being uniquely effective for precision, sensitivity, skills, speed and endurance.
    It includes: Single-handed Exercise, Double-handed Exercise, Drawing Circle
in Fixed Step, Drawing Circle in Flexible Step, Carge Deflecting Movements with Moving Steps, etc.  Shot in Chen Jiagou, the starting place of Taijiquan, this teaching
program has invited both Chen Bing, the 20th disciple and Qing Dazhuang to perform and demonstrate to ensure the authentic spirit.
    Demonstrator by  ChenBing 1st prize winner of the national Taiji Contest, the 20th disciple.
   Qin Dazhuang, champion of National Taiji Quan Competition.

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